2017-02-06 Match
2017-02-06 Match

2017-01-29 flower in the snow
2017-01-22 Chili seedling
2017-01-15 Sichuan pepper
is that as easy and fast as you make them.. you also break them.
As I already wrote in an earlier post. A picture every day is difficult to fit in and I didn’t manage at all this week. I was already looking forward to making a nice 365 pictures book at the end of the year but I think this is going to be 52. Goals need to be reachable right?
Today I uploaded the 7th picture. After one week of my challenge I have to say that I think it will be difficult to keep up with it. I’m not taking my camera during the day ( to work ) so need to make a picture in the evening. Including the processing and upload, this takes quite a bit of time but I want to try to keep going with this.
This week I tried to find things in the house and realized that not everything lends itself for macro. I also realized that I have a lot of dust on my sensor which I should try to remove because it’s very visible on pictures with a lighter background.
2017-01-07 Guitar string
2017-01-06 Christmas LED
2017-01-04 Dried succulent plant
2017-01-03 Piece of (clean) toilet paper