Was there a traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam?

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Photo,Switzerland,Travel — Twan Thu 28 Jun 2007 10:18 pm

I said I was gonna try to put up a photo a bit more regularly, well last days I’m spending in Switzerland so I’m not that much behind the computer, but it doesn’t mean I take no pictures! Last weekend I was in Zürich where I walked around a bit. Unfortunately the weather was not that great, but think I made some cool pics. For example this .. traaaaaaaam


Blue sky and cool clouds in the Doort

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Photo — Twan Mon 18 Jun 2007 4:35 pm

Last weekend I visited my parents and went for a bike ride to shoot some pictures. The sky was perfectly blue with nice thick white clouds. Unfortunately I don’t have a polarization filter for my sigma 10-20mm yet so had to play a bit with photoshop to get it nice. When I was in the ‘Doort’ (nature area between Echt and Dieteren) I made this picture:


510 Seconds of shutter time

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Photo — Twan Sat 16 Jun 2007 1:20 pm

Since this website is meant to be a photoblog, I’m gonna try to make a picture a bit more regularly. Last night I was trying something with long shutter times and think this is a pretty funny shot that came out. It’s from my window on the back side of the house. You can even see a bit of moon.


Catching Mice

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Photo — Twan Wed 13 Jun 2007 7:44 pm

Today I got my new 10-20mm sigma lens and was trying it out. Then something funny came up. My housemate complained about mice again. They chewed through a package of porridge he had in his storage room. This is the result:


Panorama Switzerland

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Switzerland,Travel — Twan Sat 9 Jun 2007 2:03 pm

Ok, finally some time to put something on this page again. As some of you know, I went to Chile on a studytour. Ofcourse I made a lot of pics there and I wrote something about every day. For the next week I will daily try to put a day of Chile online, maybe with a nice picture. I’m still processing some photos so for some you have to wait a bit longer. ( Have a look in the archive for March and April 2007 )

After Chile I already went to Switzerland again and to keep you nice and warm I have a cool panorama for you.

© 2009 Twan Sevriens