Growing Chili peppers under LED light (progress week9)

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Growing Chili pepper — Twan Sun 31 Aug 2008 9:36 am

It’s always amazing to see how much they grow in a week, especially when you’re not home to have sneak peaks during the week. So this is what you get when you light plants 24/7 with LED light (for 9 weeks). Setup is still 8 red, 44 blue. Last week I gave the plants a bit of Chilli Focus, which is supposed to be the best nutrient for Chilli. The middle one where I pinched out the top last week also recovered good.

Chilli LED week 9

Animation Chilli LED week 2-9

Growing Chili peppers under LED light (progress week8)

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Growing Chili pepper — Twan Fri 22 Aug 2008 9:31 am

This week I post the pics a bit earlier since I’m not gonna be here on sunday. Last Wednesday I pinched out the top of the middle plant, hoping it will get a bit wider instead of longer. So this is where we are at week 8:

Chilli LED Week8

And the animation to see the growth:

Animation Chilli LED week 2-8

Growing Chili peppers under LED light (progress week7)

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Growing Chili pepper — Twan Sun 17 Aug 2008 12:46 pm

Today we arrived in week 7 for the plants. So time for an update!

Week 7 LED chili


And the animation, but keep in mind I changed position of the pots last week!

Animation Chili LED

Growing Chili peppers under LED light (progress week6.5)

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Growing Chili pepper — Twan Wed 13 Aug 2008 9:20 pm

Today I moved the pots a bit around. One plant got pretty big leaves and the plants were a all bit tight together so moved them a bit more on the edge of the box they are standing in. Also put the one with the big leaves in the middle. The one that was all the way on the left is now in the left back, and which was left back, is now right back.. ( ueuh.. yeah )

Week 6.5 moved pots

Growing Chili peppers under LED light (progress week6)

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Growing Chili pepper — Twan Sun 10 Aug 2008 11:18 am

Today was time again to make a picture. This is week 6 for the plants to be under the light. To get an impression on how they grow I put an animated gif from week2 to week6.

Week 6 LED growing chili

Animation week 2 to 6

Growing Chili peppers under LED light (progress week5)

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Growing Chili pepper — Twan Sun 3 Aug 2008 11:13 am

And, here we are again with the weekly update

Chili LED week5

I had a look if I could use 2 old webcams to make a picture every hour of 2 of the plants inside. By making a picture every hour from the same spot and then putting the pics together, you create a timelapse movie of how the plants behave.

Webcam surveillance LED

© 2009 Twan Sevriens