First real LED grown chili pepper (to be)
I couldn’t really believe it, some weeks ago I saw some flower buds appearing on the peter penis pepper. It was only under the 4 ultra blue bright LEDs. When I noticed the buds I also put some red light on it and a couple of days later the first flower came out. I pollinated it with my finger and another couple of days later the petal leaves started to shrivel up and you could see the little chili butt appearing.
Also some other flowers coming out. I really hope that this one stays on!
And when I had a look at the ajoema today, I saw it also made a flower bud. The plant is still relatively small, but this is cool I think. I will also leave this one on and just have a look what the plant is going to do with it. Normally you would take those early buds off to let the plant spent all the energy in getting a bit bigger but I wonder what it’s going to do with this one ( too small plants also drop their flowers )