Hike: Blüemlisalp

Blogged by Twan as Hiking,Photo,Switzerland — Twan Wed 9 Sep 2009 7:39 am

Sunday went for a nice hike. Here some pano’s

Meeting: Baselphotoclub – Dornach Goetheanum

Blogged by Twan as Baselphotoclub,Switzerland — Twan Tue 8 Sep 2009 6:08 pm

I went to another meeting of the Baselphotoclub. This time we took the train to Dornach to have a look at the very impressive Goetheanum. There were some new/other people and some familiar faces, it stayed dry, we had to run for the train back and had a (or two) beer when we were back in Basel so I think a nice evening.

© 2009 Twan Sevriens