So, it started yesterday evening, people here in the street where I live started to clean out there storage rooms in cellar and attic, finally could clean up their gardens from furniture that was rotting away and saw a reason to get rid of old computers, ski sets, beds, and actually everything you can’t really imagine. Wednesday the city will collect everything for free.
But it’s not only that people are putting stuff out! When I came back from work today, it was rather busy in my street, fully loaded vans with french number plates, complete families with backpacks and sofa’s with 6 legs were walking around, going through the rubbish that their neighbors had put out the night before (or during the day) to give stuff a second (or perhaps 3rd,4th or 5th life). I think I have never seen something like this, but I have to say it’s funny to see. The entrance to my flat was blocked, and had to lift my bicycle in order to reach the door. I really wonder if this stuff is going to be away tomorrow, anyway, have a look….