First week in Switzerland

Blogged by Twan as Education,Human Aspects of Information Technology,Switzerland — Twan Sun 5 Apr 2009 9:41 pm

After one week in Switzerland, time for a little story about what happened I guess. Sorry that I haven’t been writing a bit earlier, but I have to say, moving, settling, working, etc etc makes you tired. Anyway, so I moved the last weekend of March, me and my father started driving around 12 at night and drove all night ( driving with a trailer goes sloooow ) to the swiss border where we had to get a stamp on some forms and permission to import my house hold goods.

After moving everything and taking it easy for some days I went to the city office in Basle to register. Then Wednesday was my first working day at CLS-Communication. I got a nice introduction and there were some meetings planned for me to get to know the organization a bit better and talk to the people that are involved in the project I will be working on in the next months. So getting to know the system, organization and people is basically what I did this week. I say basically, but moving here, starting at a new company with new people already causes a bit of an overload of new information and impressions which is noticable in the evening hours 😉

To get an impression of how my room looked after moving in and unpacking some stuff..

Moving a mess

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