
Blogged by Twan as Photo,Switzerland,Travel — Twan Sun 12 Mar 2006 3:47 pm

Last February, Christine and I also went to Luzern for an afternoon. It was carnival there and after walking around in the city we had to take the train back and we walked over this crosswalk. I had to look back and make a picture. I have to admit that this was not the way it looked like when I made the picture. I did some serious processing in this one, not to make it look more real but to reach a certain feeling when looking at this picture.

Luzern Crossing


Blogged by Twan as Photo,Switzerland,Travel — Twan Wed 8 Mar 2006 4:22 pm

When I was in Switzerland last February, I went for a nice walk with Christine and her mother. When we were waiting for the train on our way back I saw this old man crossing the railtrack and ofcourse had to capture him. I’m not sure what he is carrying but think there are patatoes in those bags. Therefore we called him ‘the patatoe man’ or in Swiitzerdüütsch, ‘Herdöpfelmaa’.

© 2009 Twan Sevriens