Second real LED grown chili pepper (update)

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Growing Chili pepper — Twan Sat 14 Feb 2009 11:28 am

I guess these peter penis peppers really like my leds, the first one didn’t grow that much in length anymore but got a bit thicker, and the small second one you saw on earlier pics, well, look for yourself!

led grown chilli penis pepper

led grown chilli penis pepper 1

led grown chilli penis pepper 2

The ajoema plant is also going pretty good. It started making flower buds a while back but none got a real flower. I guess it’s not ready yet. But, I’m not in a hurry and just let it do its thing!

First real LED grown chili pepper (update)

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Growing Chili pepper — Twan Wed 4 Feb 2009 10:09 am

So look at that, about a week further and it is starting to look like a chili!

Led grown chilli

And some others are starting to grow as well.

Led grown chilli peter penis pepper

Flower of led grown chilli peter penis pepper

© 2009 Twan Sevriens