Bali dive pictures

Blogged by Twan as Diving,Photo,Travel — Twan Sun 2 Nov 2014 10:22 am

For my dive trip to Bali I thought it would be cool to give underwater photography a go and decided to buy some equipment. The results you can find in the gallery.

Dive pics Dive pics Dive pics

I really enjoyed making pictures underwater, and although it was a bit of a challenge working out the best settings, it was truly relaxing. I’m looking forward to the next trip!

Photos from Cuba [more to come]

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Photo,Travel — Twan Sun 4 May 2014 1:13 pm

I’m still processing all the pictures I took in Cuba and it will probably still take a while so thought I give you already one to get into the Cuba mood.


Pictures from my 2 week trip to Hong Kong are online

Blogged by Twan as Gallery,Travel — Twan Sat 17 Nov 2012 4:43 pm

Today I finished processing the pictures I made in Hong Kong. You can find them in the Hong Kong album in the gallery section.
Hint: you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to go to the next/previous picture.

Panorama at Niesen

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Photo,Switzerland — Twan Wed 16 Nov 2011 12:47 am

Hike: Blüemlisalp

Blogged by Twan as Hiking,Photo,Switzerland — Twan Wed 9 Sep 2009 7:39 am

Sunday went for a nice hike. Here some pano’s

Meeting: Baselphotoclub – Dornach Goetheanum

Blogged by Twan as Baselphotoclub,Switzerland — Twan Tue 8 Sep 2009 6:08 pm

I went to another meeting of the Baselphotoclub. This time we took the train to Dornach to have a look at the very impressive Goetheanum. There were some new/other people and some familiar faces, it stayed dry, we had to run for the train back and had a (or two) beer when we were back in Basel so I think a nice evening.

Meeting: Baselphotoclub

Blogged by Twan as Gallery,Human Aspects of Information Technology,Photo,Switzerland — Twan Mon 24 Aug 2009 10:01 pm

Last Friday I went to a meeting of the Baselphotoclub. I found this club through the and thought it would be cool to get out a bit, and use my camera again. I think it was a cool meeting, we ended up walking around Basel a bit, especially around the Wettsteinbrücke and then some of us got thirsty and went for a beer. I added the pics to the gallery again! (but here also an impression)

Fountain at the Kunstmuseum BaselEntrance of the Kunstmuseum BaselWait.. what?

Shocking news from Basel

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Switzerland — Twan Tue 5 May 2009 7:42 am

Last night I woke up around 3.40 because my bed was shaking. Now is my bed not that stable so it does move when you turn around, but this felt a bit different. It couldn’t have been one of my housemates pulling a prank because they were not at home, so.. I thought.. it must have been an earthquake then and as I saw this morning I was right:
German original version:  News item from SF
Translated version by Google Translate(to English) News item from SF

The earthquake originated in Germany and was noticable throughout Switzerland. Ok, off to work!

First run in Basel

Blogged by Twan as Daily life,Running,Switzerland — Twan Thu 23 Apr 2009 8:49 pm

Today I got back from work and thought, hey.. I really should start running again! Last time was more than a month ago (and still in Eindhoven). I had a look on Google maps but couldn’t really find something interesting so just jumped in my running outfit and started. To not get not too enthusiastic after such a while of doing nothing I thought 5km would be nice and knew which round would be this distance(give or take). The sun was shining, and there was a nice breeze so perfect weather.

This is the round I did:

Some details of Basel

Blogged by Twan as Education,Human Aspects of Information Technology,Photo,Switzerland — Twan Tue 14 Apr 2009 10:14 pm

While enjoying the very nice weather here during the easter weekend I captured some (I’m sure there will be more) details of Basel. These are things that caught my attention while walking through the quiet streets of Basel.

See the gallery of Basel for the others
Arch of Elisabethenkirche Protection against? Glass Pyrimid at Elisabethenkirche Posters Zofingerconzärtli Botanic garden

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© 2009 Twan Sevriens